DNA Replication Group

Lab resources

Various group resources (more coming).

DNAscent, detect BrdU in nanopore sequence data

The DNAscent software allows the detection of base analogues, such as BrdU, in nanopore sequence data.

DNAscent Tools

DNAscent tools includes a set of scripts to process files produced by DNAscent, including converting output to modBAM format.

UCSC browser links for data visualisation

We have curated custom tracks for visualisation of our data at the UCSC genome browser. We aim to increase the number of datasets available via these links, please contact us if there is a particular dataset that you are interested in.

Beacon Calculus

Simulates the behaviour of systems written in the Beacon Calculus.

Scripts from Batrakou et al., 2018

Scripts associated with using digital PCR to precisely and rapidly measure DNA copy number as a proxy for replication time.

Training in base modification detection

We are developing virtual and self-guided training for base modification detection in ONT data.


Our published genome-wide data can be downloaded from NCBI GEO

OriDB, the DNA replication origin database

OriDB provides a catalogue of confirmed and predicted DNA replication origin sites. At present this is limited to budding yeast (S. cerevisiae) and fission yeast (S. pombe).