DNA Replication Group

Ana (née Clark) studied a Bachelors in Genetics at Nottingham, where she enjoyed two laboratory placements, working in bacteria and spoilage fungi. After 8 months working as a research assistant (imaging cancer cell lines in Warwick), Ana moved to Oxford and joined the BBSRC DPhil programme: Interdisciplinary BioScience. Through this programme, Ana rotated in the Nieduszynski lab and found the combination of yeast genetics and DNA replication too much to resist. During her lab time, Ana’s rotation work was published as a Wellcome Open Research manuscript, and she was been awarded a Graduate Scholarship from St. Catherine’s College, Oxford. The main theme of Ana’s DPhil project was to investigate how DNA can replicate in the absence of canonical DNA replication origins.
Ana is also keenly involved in science outreach, having spent her course Professional Internship Placement (PIP) at [Science Oxford](https://scienceoxford.com/. She organised a lab trip to Cheltenham Science Festival to deliver these resources, as well as more local events and school visits. In 2018 Ana was awarded a BBSRC Science Communicator award for her efforts.
Outside the lab, Ana helps on the department Athena Swan committee, and relaxes by reading or cuddling with her pet cat, Felix.

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